2022 … February in Flag πŸ”πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Better a month summary than nothing, right!?

Following our training in Coronado we moved East to Arizona and Phoenix for a week. This continued our β€˜train-cation’, or our return to training following a post-olympic and ISL break. For the week in Phoenix we split out time between mornings training SCY around Scottsdale and evenings joining @PitchForkAquatics in Tempe.

At the start of February we headed North from Phoenix to Flagstaff, AZ for an altitude camp. At this point we had four athletes - @Kregor and @ViktoriaGunes were joined by @SimonaBaumrtova and @ArminLelle in Flag. We did a similar template to what we had been using in Sierra Nevada, but for Kregor and Simona it was their second intervention at altitude of the year so we were able to more quickly move towards a more β€˜normal’ template.


2022 Week 32 - A week without wearing shoes


2022 Week 3 - Coronado πŸπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ